Thursday, September 4, 2008

NOLBA Week, Day 5

Well, this is it.
Which makes me want to break into song.
Day 5, and my last day of posting. We are headed out of town in the morning for the weekend, and I'll be internet-less. However, I think this information is worthy of the final NOLBA Week post.

7 Reasons you may not be having sex (borrowed, again, from

Reason 1: Your bed isn’t sexy anymore.
Why do so many of us insist on bringing third parties—laptops, PDAs, Law & Order—into the boudoir? All that technology and distraction can cause insomnia and put a damper on your sex life. After all, it’s harder to initiate sex if your spouse is glued to the TV or if your hands are busy exploring the Web rather than his body.
How do I fix this?
At a minimum, make the bedroom a no-technology zone. Then take a hard look at your life (from romance and work to entertainment and family), and give sex the priority it deserves. If you have to schedule sex like you do a meeting, do it!

Reason 2: Your meds are stealing your sex drive.
We aren't talking about the little blue pill. Anything that reduces blood pressure, anxiety, and acid reflux, and antidepressants, too.
So what do I do?
Ask your doc about the sexual side effects of all of your drugs.

Reason 3: Your crazy-busy life.
You get up, go to work, cook, work out, taking care of the family, and still try to find time to entertain your blog readers. And, still, at 11:00 p.m., you’re expected to put it all behind you and start singing some Barry White.
Yeah, so? Everyone is dealing with this one.
You need some serious life management to work it in (that's what she said). Put a lock on the master bedroom door and set a technology time limit. Shift gears from the harried pace of everyday life with a soothing bath. Plunging into warm water takes you away from the laptops and cell phones that clog up your day. Add a few drops of scented oil; the aroma is thought to heighten sexual feelings.

Reason 4: You don’t like yourself.
Many people find themselves withdrawing or not willing to experiment sexually if they’re overweight or don't feel good about themselves. Emotionally, we’ve bought into the media’s idealization of what is really sexy, and we all know the media sucks.
Can I get through this?
Feel free to ask your spouse what s/he likes about your body; the compliments can help you feel more positive. And believe them when they tell you!

Reason 5: Your spouse is just not that into it right now.
You may actually be raring to go, but your partner’s engine seems stalled. The usual problems between husbands and wives can play out in the bedroom, especially if your partner has a hard time expressing his feelings properly or there is an increase in stress. Or, s/he may want you to be more sexually adventurous. You needn’t hang from chandeliers (not that there is anything wrong with that); it could be as simple as being a more enthusiastic lover.
This one makes sense to me!
Well, talk it out in a blame-free way. It’s understandable that one would feel rejected in this situation. Don’t confront them with ‘What the hell is going on?' or they’ll shut down. Try to broach the subject in a loving way.

Reason 6: You're depressed.
When you’re feeling down in the dumps, desire can take a big hit. And this happens to everyone at some point.
I'm depressed just reading all this.
Yeah, that makes two of us. Talking and exercise help; they enhance mood and energy, and sometimes boost blood flow to the genitals.

Reason 7: You’re sick and tired.
There are a slew of illnesses that take away our desire, so don't assume just because your partner is usually ready to go they always will be.
Sex Rx: Once a sickness is detected and corrected, any associated symptoms should dissipate.

Good luck, and thanks for participating in NOLBA. Remember our motto: Come and join us.


for a different kind of girl said...

My bed, at the moment, is so not sexy. This is why I say a hearty "Well done!" to my sexier couches and counters.

Desmond Jones said...

"Come and join us"

Nice double-E, there, RS. . .

We'll happily do all the coming we can manage.

But, uh, if you don't mind, we won't be joining y'all. . .


Sailor said...

I'm thinking that any joining, will be virtual- unless, of course, 'tis with Lynn, in which case it's much more fun to get physical, as Olivia might sing :)

Anonymous said...

Zing .....

FTN said...

I'd like to mention that the FTN/Autumn family had their NOLBA orgasms on Thursday night. We make up for our lack of quantity with great quality.

Hope you guys had a great trip.

Anonymous said...

I could swear I commented on here. And it was mean. Just as well it's gone, I suppose! : )

Recovering Soul said...

FADlicious - go counter! its your birthday!

Des - you big chicken. Everyone's doing it! (in the road)

sailor - because of you that song has been stuck in my head for a couple of days. I'm not sure whether to thank you or kick you! :)

xavier - I have a post about you coming up...

ftn - thanks for getting to "know" NOLBA.

ms. lude - I swear I didn't delete any comments. Perhaps it was on the previous NOLBA post?