Wednesday, September 3, 2008

NOLBA Week, Day 4

Look, we all enjoy what my wife would call "crockpot" sex. It lasts awhile, the heat stays on, and you get to enjoy each others company.

At NOLBA, we know you don't always have a lot of time, so here are a few ideas to get in the mood fast (shout out to

1. Break a sweat - Working out increases blood flow which is an immediate libido booster. Working out by dancing? Even better. Digger will show you how!

2. Turn up the heat - One of my favorite commercials said it best; I'm SPICY!
Chili triggers the release of endorphins, which will get your game going.

3. Dig up those honeymoon photos - Spending time remembering good times can help you get in the mood.
Therese and I knew a family who professionally recorded our wedding as their gift to us. We've been married over 5 years.... and should get the video any day now.

How's your progress? Everyone keeping up? :)


Phyllis Renée said...

All I can say is I'm making chili tonight!

Desmond Jones said...

Hmmmm. . . I will say that, on a day not too many weeks ago, I came home from a 40-mile bike ride, grabbed Molly and hopped into the shower, and shortly thereafter, we were, uh, conjugating. And my poor, tired legs just couldn't produce the, uh, leverage necessary to, uh, drive my point home. If you catch my meaning. But, a few hours later, once I'd had a chance to recuperate a bit, things worked just fine. . .

So, yeah, I suppose I can concur with the 'libido booster' aspect of a workout, but, uh, there may be other factors involved. . .

But you don't need to worry, we're doin' fine (ah, you know the pleasure's mine. . .)

Therese in Heaven said...

I have homemade enchiladas waiting for you, just so you know...

for a different kind of girl said...

I think my favorite part of that BK commercial is the end, when the spokesman suggest you get ready for a 'mouth whoopin'.'

As it is, that kind of advice really can be applied to NOLBA, too.

Anonymous said...

Progress = dismal.

Sailor said...

Um, I guess all I'll say is "Yes, keeping up just fine"

Recovering Soul said...

Phyllis - hope the spicy food worked for you!

Des - well, next time perhaps you'll do 10 miles instead of 40 and still be able to stand! :)

Thanks for dinner, sweetie! :)

Wild FADNESS - sometimes a mouth whoopin is better than well... you get the idea.

taja - so sorry to hear that. Perhaps some of the other tips can help?

sailor - that's awesome! I think you are the next president of NOLBA. But I have to warn you - your running mate could cause a lot of controversy, so be careful who you choose.

Anonymous said...

The prelude was, as expected, also the postlude. But it was good ....

Desmond Jones said...

Hmmmm. . . 'mouth whoopin' sounds provocatively close to 'mouth whoopie'. . . Just sayin'. . .

And, uh - "Everyone keeping up?"

Yeef; and all those commercials are tellin' me that if it's up for more than four hours, I'm s'posed to call my doctor. . .

Sailor said...

President? No way, I'm far to busy...

Laughing at Desmond, I think that might fall in the classification of TMI!