Friday, July 11, 2008

Gray is gay, know what I say?

Yesterday I was talking to a co-worker who happens to be gay. He mentioned that he thought the gray that is coming into my hair looked good.

Yes, I'm getting gray, at the ripe old age of 30.

I thanked him, but told him that I didn't think it looked good.

"Oh yes," he said, "One of my gay magazines just talked about how gray on men is the in thing right now."

I'm not comforted.


Therese in Heaven said...

Well, I personally think it is a decidedly handsome touch.

Desmond Jones said...

For me, all of a sudden, when I was 40, I started showing gray around my temples, and on the chin of my beard. I don't know if the fact that I lost my job right around that time had anything to do with it, or not.

I suppose I'm a little grayer now than I was 12 years ago, but not a whole lot. . .

But, if 'gray is gay', pass me the bottle of Grecian Formula, wouldja?

for a different kind of girl said...

He didn't say exactly WHERE the gray hair was that was deemed the "in thing" did he?

That's what I'm sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Gray is distinguished, and don't forget it!

Gay indeed ....

Now their trying to make reality fashionable? How amazing and original is that? Ya know?

Sailor said...

Funny, we were laughing last night, because I never worried about the gray- I just laugh, and say it's my new hair color: Distinguished.
What, you didn't know that's a color?

2amsomewhere said...

As someone who found his first gray hair at the age of 18 and who notices that every time his hair is cut that there seems to be more salt than pepper... and as someone whose pool of high school friends included a nontrivial number of people who would later come out of the closet...

Don't sweat it too much. Now, if they start referring to you as a "GBD"[1], then you probably might have cause for concern.


[1] -- GBD = gay boy's delight

aphron said...

If a gay man complements you on your appearance, then you must look awesome. My advice: don't burn any bridges :).

Anonymous said...

About 4 years ago I noticed my first white hair. Not gray, but white. Since then, it's been coming in fast and furiously. I turn 30 in a little over a month. I don't like the way this is going! And yeah, total double standard... men with graying hair... distinguished! Women? Hag-ish! Not fair.

2amsomewhere said...

Tajalude writes:

I turn 30 in a little over a month. I don't like the way this is going! And yeah, total double standard... men with graying hair... distinguished! Women? Hag-ish! Not fair.

I dunno, Taja, when I see a recent photo of Emmylou Harris and feel all melty inside, I just can't buy into the whole "a woman with gray is a hag" thing. Maybe I'm less susceptible to the fashion industrial complex's propaganda about feminine beauty.


Anonymous said...

2am, funny you should say that. I almost put in a disclaimer for the lovely Ms. Harris, but thought RS might not know who she was.

And I definitely appreciate your perspective!

Therese in Heaven said...

My grandmother started greying at 18, and by the time she was 35, her hair was entirely silver. It was so unique and striking on such a young woman. She was truly one of the most lovely women I've ever seen, and her hair color contributed to that.

Oh, and 2am, TWICE men have hit on RS IN FRONT OF ME.

Anonymous said...

Queenie had started her gray before the age of 20. Despite my best efforts I can't convince her she'd look great in gray. 'Cuz, well, I'm the man. And we're all liars.

But then you knew that, right?

Desmond Jones said...

At my 20-year High School reunion, one of my female classmates showed up with the most beautiful silver hair. I mentioned to her how incredibly cool I thought it looked, and she just beamed. If Molly hadn't been with me, she might have run off with me right on the spot. . .

Phyllis Renée said...

I love gray hair . . . on my husband. I've always thought men with gray hair are so attractive. Not me, though. As soon as I started seeing a few gray hairs (just before I turned 40) I started using Natural Instincts. Stays close to my natural color and covers the gray. Love it!

FTN said...

Is it weird that I'm a slight bit jealous that RS is getting hit on by gay guys all the time? Maybe I should start coloring my hair grey.

Or maybe I'm just not very quick on picking up on this stuff. What does it mean when someone winks at me, pinches my ass, and then leaves me his phone number?